Hotels vs Hostels
Debating whether or not you should book a hotel or stay at a hostel during your spring break trip with your friends or with your family? We will outline the pros of both options to help you make your decision!
HotelsHotels offer you the opportunity to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Then again some hotels vary along the scale from okay to amazing, so some of these pros apply to certain types of hotels.
HostelsHostels are not all like the ones you see in the movies, there are some super cool ones out there to explore. When you are searching, make sure you are going through reviews and seeing what other people think. Overall, hostels are a cool way to explore and allow you to get new and unique experiences!
ISIC Hotel Discounts to check out
ISIC Hostel Discounts to check out
We also have discounts with Wonderful Italy – stay in a local home, uniplaces – students can stay in rooms, residences, and flats, StudentsRoom & SpotAHome – where you can get discounts for more long-term accommodations. Check out for more deals or to search for a specific location and visit to get your ISIC discount card today!